rajt ma rajtx… naf li rajt

I/you saw / I/you did not see … I know that I/you saw

The practice for the months between May and September 2021 concerned the development and production of the exhibition rajt ma rajtx… naf li rajt and its parallel project Ħars fuq ħars, which opened on 25th September, 2021 at the non-profit contemporary art space Valletta Contemporary: https://www.vallettacontemporary.com/malta-art-gallery.

​​The solo exhibition rajt ma rajtx… naf li rajt was curated by Elyse Tonna. Elyse is a curator and cultural manager with a background in Cultural Heritage Management (MA) and Architecture (BE&A). Her curatorial practice is primarily related to contemporary art practice, site/context-specific art and community-driven projects. She is the Arts Coordinator of the NGO, ACT, and curator at the Gabriel Caruana Foundation.​

The following document includes: an introductory preface about the concept of the solo exhibition, the introductory curatorial text, a video walk-through of the exhibitions, a selected number of installation shots and selected documentation from the exhibition process, and the published text on Valletta Contemporary’s catalogue.

rajt ma rajtx… naf li rajt video walk-through
25 Sept – 15 Nov 2021 at Valletta Contemporary

Solo exhibition by Matthew Attard
curated by Elyse Tonna

with supporting works by Caesar Attard, Nanni Balestrini, Aaron Bezzina, Matyou Galea, Francesco Jodice and Pierre Portelli

Selected installation shots
Images are my own

Curatorial text by curator Elyse Tonna:

Retrieved from: Tonna, E., 2022. Rajt ma rajtx… naf li rajt. In: Valletta Contemporary, VC003. pp.121-132

Published interview:

Retrieved from: Dingli, A., 2022. Interview: Matthew Attard. In: Valletta Contemporary, VC003. pp.223-225

Selected press coverage:

Retrieved from: Zammit, L., 2021. Drawing with the eyes: exhibition explores difference between looking and seeing, The Times of Malta. 31 October.